Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Week 35 Day 3

Medi object choiceless awareness
Intention to remain alert and to practise metta

Morning all! Today I practised for around 40 mins ending in metta.

Today is the day for children on the tube. On the first train a family of  Indians and on the second a young girl in a pram with her mother. Also Cantonese speaking tourists on the 2nd train.

Noting was quite difficult, it seems as I arise I have these anti - work thoughts and they are hard to bat away. I followed the dialogue of the mother with her daughter which included "you're my best friend" and lots of kisses (from the daughter). Such is the innocence of childhood.

Metta was flowing intermittently today but was able to maintain on and off for ten minutes. The trouble is I am always fascinated by well-behaved young children so get easily distracted.

Back to work now. Have a great day!

🐽 💜 🐽


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