Monday, July 27, 2015

Week 28 Day 2

Medi object choiceless awareness

Intention to remain alert and receptive

Afternoon all! Today I meditated for around 45 mins on two tubes and a platform. Today’s practice was tinged with Monday morning tiredness. I attempted to push myself into alertness by cycling round the senses – listening, seeing, smelling, feeling. Today’s lowlights were sharp elbows of a very small woman and the smell of cigarettes. I believe that each time I was squidged by her elbow she was adjusting her hair (which was lovely…).

The sun shone and it was so bright, that as we stopped at a station, it shone on my back and I thought the heating had come on!

Hearing: I heard the usual tube noises, but I noticed the sound of a burst of compressed air (pneumatic brakes?) before the doors closed each time.

Smelling: Cigarette smell, no perfume alas

Seeing: Bright light and as a consequence floaters in my eyes

Feeling: I had my wrists crossed as I was trying to make myself as narrow as possible to about pokeages. Felt a bit awkward.

Thoughts about the past and future occurred. I need to plan this next weekend carefully and be ready before it arrives.

The platform yielded a mild breeze today with no bacon smell. The poster ad reminded me of when I studied To Kill A Mockingbird as a youth - I have an aversion to what I studied in English Literature, the teacher made the subject dry and crusty...only highlight was one day he was reading to the class from Far From The Madding Crowd, Bathsheba was talking about Francis Troy.." what a gay man he is!" There were sounds of stifled laughter as 37 years ago the word  "gay" was just about coming into vernacular. We were also all waiting for him to read it because the teacher was very good at female voices being rather effeminate himself...and loved reading aloud. I can even remember the exact location of the words on that page!

Next train came and this time Italians and then Spanish tourists were on board. I decided to try metta for a few minutes with limited success.

Roll on the evening.

Have a fab day and practice! 🐽 💜 🐽


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