Monday, July 27, 2015

Week 31 Day 5

Medi object choiceless awareness
Intention to remain alert and experience raw sensations

Evening all! today and evening practice walking from 15th minute.

After spending all day walking round watching ladies pro golf I returned fully knackered.  After dinner I set to practise . However due to low energy I was falling asleep so I resorted to walking.

Today’s physical aches and pains featured in my practice smoothie. Hip pain and knee pain mainly,  nothing too drastic but I know I've been walking for 7 hours!

During the walking meditation in which I take very slow and deliberate steps around my kitchen it's rare that thoughts come in. It's mainly sensations to do with my feet touching the floor and what catches my eye when I turn round (not quite mastered walking with eyes closed!).  My arms are heavy, I hold my phone in my hand as the timer and time goes quickly. It is a very centering and calming experience when there are no thoughts whizzing round in my head.

Metta at the start was repeating the affirmations and also visualisation of my object. Pretty hard.

So now to chill out with the tennis/golf/mock the week on the telly.

Have a great evening and see you on the morrow. 🐽💜🐽


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