Monday, July 27, 2015

Week 29 Day 6

Medi object choiceless awareness
Intention to observe raw sensations

Afternoon all! Today I am back at home but have decided to clear a space for practice in the living room. Then I can open the patio door and hear what's outside. Eventually I will be able to practise  outside - it's a bit chilly today.

I am sitting next to a very loud ticking clock so that pervaded my practice throughout.

Thoughts about clearing the house came I to mind and also thoughts about eating...well it has been a gourmet fest the last few days.

The gardeners have forgotten about front garden do I will need to mow that soon (but not today).

Besides the clock I heard some birdsong, the washing machine and the breeze on my shade outside. I had planning thoughts about the patio, some good ones too.

I am still tired I guess as I nodded once...and kept my eyes open for a while. I am now looking at the back of my purple armchair which is much more calming than the mess on my chest of drawers!

Metta today was an exercise from Salzburg's book which was pretty good. She talks about imagining having all the people who have love you surrounding you so that you can eventually feel loving kindness towards yourself. All metta has been outwards till now.

The last 15 mins was an homage to micro joys. The joy that I am able to practise in peace in a safe place. The joy that I am able to visit new places every so often. I also thought about dislike of people and the aversion that brings. Like is it ok to dislike someone and be equanimous or does that mean you are displaying aversion...perhaps one needs to acknowledge the irritations towards the disliked person and then be equanimous about them to avoid the suffering that aversion brings. Or are you to like everyone? Surely that is a matter of taste, culture and personality...hmmm

Anyhoo a micro joy that it is nearly the weekend but a slightly lesser micro joy that I will have to play golf in the rain tomorrow. Further micro-joys that the house was ok in my absence and no mice took residence!

Ok now for some lunch...possibly a morsel of fromage and saucisson. Have a great weekend when it comes 🐷💜🐷🐐


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