Monday, July 27, 2015

Week 28 Day 6

Medi object choiceless awareness
Intention to remain alert

Morning all! Today I meditated for 30 mins, 5 mins metta at the end. Concentration was low today so decided to do a shorter session.

Noting began with the usual cycle round the sensations. There are roadworks happening outside my house so I could hear the rumble of the trucks and at one point focused on the reversing beep of something. I felt tired and distracted but steeled myself to focus. No aches and pains to mention but some itches which I dealt with.

Some junk thoughts came through my head and I watched them as though they were on a screen. They start with an image and either move to the background if another sensation takes presidence or just disappears.

Concentration was not easy today, I wasn't tired just bleh.

Metta after 25 mins was tough and I kept having to steer myself back to the meditation object.

It's Friday and the road outside my house has fresh tarmac on it...mmm I love the smell of fresh tarmac! 😅

Have a great weekend! 🐽 💜 🐽


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