Monday, July 27, 2015

Week 31 Day 3

Medi object choiceless awareness
Intention to remain alert, to observe raw sensations

Morning all! Today’s tube was beginning to swelter and I do not relish the journey home. Tomorrow is supposed to be the hottest day of the year, so we are all pondering how to adjust our office wear!

Today’s practice was a Piccadilly line noting session, with a District line metta practice. Today the main sensations were the cotton shirts brushing against my arms of my next door neighbours. There was a humming of ventilation of sorts. The station announcements were quiet. I saw swirls in front of my eyes and my feet firmly on the floor.

Thoughts pervaded today – can’t quite recall of what, I was watching them like a video. My mood was pretty upbeat and as I had made an attempt of an “early” night I was a bit more alert.

After disembarking from the first train I had a short wait for the next train. The bracing breeze had turned into a cool balmy breath of pleasant vedana. Let’s not think about what will be happening in December!

As I sat for my metta practice, I battled with the drifting of the mind.

Have not been reading too much (of anything) these days, so today I commit to reading a few pages of Sharon Salzberg’s book. Time seems to fly by and Wimbledon has started and Le Tour next weekend. How can this be?

Well we can all enjoy what we have now experience the micro pleasures of being here right now. I’ve found a quote:

“The present moment is filled with joy and happiness. If you are attentive, you will see it.” Thích Nhất Hạnh
Live well and prosper.

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