Thursday, May 28, 2015

Week 26 Day 2

Medi object choiceless awareness
Intention to observe sensations without vocalising 

Evening all! I'm still in a world of my own on Facebook. 😖 When I visit posts that I know others have viewed only I seem to have viewed it. Also, I can add comments, but when you send me comments even though you tag me I can't see them and they don't come into my mail either. Have reported it, but not sure what else to do. It only seems to be with this group. I think I start to see more once Nick is active but it's a bit random (something to do with you being an admin?)...also 2 copies of my posts appear and instead of it saying 'you and 45 others liked this' I appear on the list of people who liked. I have uninstalled and installed...but not on the iPad, will try that!

Today I practiced for 45 mins, 5 mins metta at the end. I decided to observe the sensations without trying to describe them for the post, I just wanted to observe. Was a lot more relaxing. Usually I vocalise as well as label. 

The dominant sensations today were the other noises! The ringing my ears, the warmth of my hands and the sound and feeling of the breathing all were in the periphery today. Main focus was sounds around the house, a click there and creak here, upstairs my neighbours were having a conversation, birdsong and the washing machine noises.

I had thoughts about a robin that had flown out of my shed this morning. After practice I walked up to the shed quietly and peered in...two pairs of eyes stared back! Fledglings! I don't know how old they were but they were standing on my glass table. Cute but made me nervous. So in practice the vedana for this thought was pleasant and unpleasant. A nervous expectation. The only problem is that all my gardening tools are in there...oh well just can't mow the lawn then in the interests of wildlife!

Just had a two hour doze, was so exhausted. So back to this morning's practice. No boredom came, just chilled observation, 45 mins finished in a flash...I didn't have thoughts about the timer and did not lose alertness. I moved from object to object without pause and I think I noticed a few thoughts arising (rather than realising once I was in a thought) due to me thinking about certain robin elicited the trail about the best.

Anyhoo, hope my FB world returns to normalcy soon! Have a good evening!



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