Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Week 23 Day 6

Medi object choiceless awareness
Intention to observe boredom

Afternoon all! Last night I dozed through the election broadcasts and then this morning completed a few tasks before practice. Have only drank a glass of milk.

Felt very weary these past two days. Started metta and battled with other thoughts even after giving myself a minute or so to settle down  I returned to the image and sounds to try to keep the loving kindness feeling but it was a struggle.

Noting. After watching the rising and falling of the abdomen a few times I allowed my mind to go where it pleased. I observed the cool warmth on my knees and then I focused on a few shivers. I added more blanket as I was only 15 mins into practice. I then started to yawn and some nodding happened. I felt alert and tried to observe when I nodded but only managed to note it as it was happening. I don't ever doze but today I struggled with the nodding. Thoughts arose but past quickly. Thoughts about the lesson I had yesterday and how the guy looked like one of the hosts on a TV show here called Pointless!

I'm still yawning, but I will eat something and have a rest and see if I can energise myself again for another 30 mins of practice before I go out. May be the stress of the election has tired me out!

See you again later maybe!


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