Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Week 24 Day 1

Medi object choiceless awareness
Intention to observe how thoughts arise

[Written this morning..posted late]

Morning all!  Today practice shortened to 30 mins due to deadline. 5 mins metta focusing on my mother and towards the end was able to focus on the sensation for a minute or so.

Noting began with some random thoughts so I returned to observe the breath as I thought I would be lost in the content.  After a few breaths I let my mind wander. Again thoughts appeared about yesterday's activities. I noted that it was not clear how I got into the thought but I noticed I was in it about 2 seconds in. It seems that for an instant I lose sight of the breath, go into the thought then think ummm something missing? Oh yes the peripheral sensations.  When this happens I do then feel my breath, the warmth in my hands and the external clicking noises. Ringing in ears pervades throughout practice.

After thoughts, warmth was prevalent there was a moment when I felt quite hot and uncomfortable. My hands were burning and the heat moved around my torso.

Travelling in the environment I visited the swirls in from of my eyes, noises from upstairs, aches in the back, ringing in the ears, a few itches on my face which passed and more....

Sometimes these sensations were interspersed with mini thoughts and sometimes a series of thoughts ocurred.

I can remember one thought which was a video that I shared about to change your baby's clothes in case of poo explosion! Why I remembered that? Probably because of the word Poonami..

I noticed a slight drift towards the end.

Must dash, have a great  day and practice!


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