Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Week 24 Day 2

Medi object choiceless awareness
Intention to observe all possible raw sensations

Morning all! Today I am back to the tube meditation for 30 mins.  First metta and was able to keep focus on loving kindness feeling for a couple of minutes!

Noting - so different after 2 weeks! I found that there was a lot more to listen to and observe, almost too much. As soon as I started, I was on a planning thought trail so refocused on the breath few a few cycles. After that I let go. Voices, mechanical noises, announcements, the woman next to me sighed it was as clear as crystal. I noted how my hands were clasped and my Pebble watch buzzed every now and then. I felt weary and momentarily drifted and opened my eyes wondering if I had missed my stop, but no still in track.

A few images came into view and were interspersed by sounds. Because this is such a busy environment I could only just make out the ringing in my ears.

I got off the first train and the advert for Scottish Widows has been replaced by an audible advert with a quote from To Kill A Mocking Bird. I'll enjoy examining that in detail but the second train came soon today.

Only one day of work, then a day off for a golf event. So just need to get through today! I will be travelling for work on Wednesday/Thursday so my schedule will be even more disrupted.

Have a great day and practice!

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