Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Week 23 Day 4

Medi object choiceless awareness
Intention to observe raw sounds and other sensations.

Morning all! In my hotel room facing the open window to the beautiful sea.

Today 5 mins metta and 40 mins noting.

For metta I focused on the children laughing outside, they reminded me of my niece and allowed me to focus on that loving kindness feeling for around a minute at a time.

For noting I started with the breath  but today allowed my awareness to roam freely. Sounds abounded and after feeling the rising and falling of my abdomen and chest a few times I moved to observe what ever came into focus.

The chidren's laughter was loud and piercing at first. I heard the words Retreat Retreat! So must have been playing some war game unless some monster was outside by the pool! Although yesterday the noise was irritating, today the noise was pleasant and positive.  I felt the joy in their voices.

The next sounds were chirrups lasting around a second at a time, then single chirps. I identified these as birds - seems like the different types do not want to be out sung!

I was rapidly brought to what was in front of my eyes which was a pulsing glow in sync with the breath. Before a moment, warmth on my knees was prevalent which was from my hands.

I was often drawn to my back, an ache which increased until I noted the intention to move and then adjusted my posture. This happened several times in the practice.

I also was drawn to loud noises outside my door of an unpleasant hedonic tone. Voices I believe.

Each time I noted a sensation I noted whether it was pleasant unpleasant or neutral.

I was also surprised how quickly the mind can flit from sensation to sensation if one isn't  'controlling' it.

Hard to explain but for the first half hour or so I moved from sensation to sensation rapidly and I can't remember them all. They were all quite fascinating and sometimes I would be listening and then drawn away by another more dominant noise or feeling.

The last 15 mins I noted that my alertness was not as strong. A bit of drifting occurred. Not so ready for 45 mins then! I will reduce to 35 mins and build up.

The last minute I peeked at the clock (note the distraction) so I kept my eyes open and noted the palms and the blue sea and horizon and basked in that very pleasant vedana.

Back to home today, see you on the other side, looking forward to getting home and exploring life there!

Have a great day and practice!

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