Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Week 24 Day 4

Medi object choiceless awareness
Intention to observe raw sensations, remain alert!

Evening all! Today I managed to meditate just before a early morning meeting. I was working from home. Still need to rejig my morning routine I'm an habitual late riser and it's tough trying to practise first thing.

Only 15 mins, but I made it work for me. I needed to practise in order to put myself into a more positive state for the day. As soon as I got up I was fretting about work (and now I know who my new boss is, heaven help me).

So I set to sorting out my mind. I started with a couple of minutes of metta and was able to maintain the feeling of loving kindness for most of the time, think I am remembering the sensation.

Noting started with a few deep breaths and a good old listen to whatever noises were around. In my house it was quiet and so the ringing in my ears was prevalent. I sat motionless (sometimes I fidget) and that is the best way to get into effortless mode. It's almost like I have to 'not exist' so that I can observe what's happening around me. I did feel a sharp pressure in my chest which I can identify with anxiety. As I continued to attempt the effortless observation, the pressure became less and I felt very calm, no more fretting. My body around my arms knees and torso became a block, not uncomfortable but seemed stable. A few swirls in the eyes as well. I can't remember the exact thoughts arising and passing but there were a few intermingled with the other physical sensations. 

It's very late (nearly midnight) and I've only just finished dinner. I'm in a familiar hotel room. (Used to work more regularly here last year) but the difference I don't eat sugar I'm looking at the complimentary chocolates on the plate and thinking shall I? It's only a very small craving easily fended off. That's what mindfulness has allowed me to do ...notice cravings and urges and then I can 'control' my next actions.

Anyhoo, off to finish watching Only Connect...Taraaa and goodnight!


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