Thursday, May 28, 2015

Week 26 Day 1

Medi object choice less
Intention to observe more detail and to
observe boredom
Morning all! As of yesterday I have had
FB challenges, so I cannot see any posts
since yesterday. I also cannot like or
comment on any posts. I'm in a world
of my own!
Today's practice was 50 mins, 45 noting
5 Metta at the end. As yesterday I
noted boredom, I tried to challenge myself
to get off the plateau. For the first 30 mins
I attempted to observe the start and finish
of any sensation in focus. Peripheral
awareness was good - I could sense
my breath, my knees, the ringing in
my ears, the odd itch every now and
then. The objects in focus were the
ringiy in my ears, a cycle of breath,
birdsong in the distance, a creak or
two in the room.
Thoughts appeared
I observed them- one about planning,
one about goff. A few other random

The last 15 mins I allowed myself just
to listen, watch & feel without attempting
to vocalise & work out descriptions
for this post. This was much more
relaxing and I found I could take in a
lot more without having to identify
the sensations.
Metta today was focused on niece and cute animals. I find if I imagine
the embracing them it helps. Obviously
not embracing baby crocodiles!
Out to play late golf now, hope the
weather holds!
Have a lovely day!
I am reading your posts just can't show it!

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