Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Week 22 Day 5

Medi object choiceless
Intention to meditate in a strange place and remain alert and receptive

Afternoon all! Today's practice was a mixed success. I didn't realise how tired I was from the journey so there was a bit of drifting.

I started with 5 mins metta and then 40 mins noting. I sat facing the sea in my hotel room initially with the doors pulled to but then opened them halfway to allow more sensations in.

I focused on my breathing and then hearing, seeing and feeling. Once the doors were open I could hear the waves and the children playing. There is a table tennis table near my room but adults were playing so they were not as boisterous as youngsters.

The breeze is cool but occasionally  I shivered. I can hear birdsong and cars from the road alongside the rolling waves.

Most of my thoughts were about keeping  alert! The cool breeze and noise of the waves was very soporific...mmm oh anyway, I struggled for the last 15 mins but as they say...with nowhere to go I accepted my irritation and continued until the final bells.

Last night I did a short meditation by the window and I kept on hearing splashing and children's noises near me so I looked out and down and there was a baby being washed in a baby bath directly beneath me! Although I love children I couldn't eat a whole one in one go. They are lovely except  if you want peace and quiet!

Have a great day and practice! 🐽 💜 🐽


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