Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Week 22 Day 1

Week 22 Day 1

Medi object choiceless

Intention to remain alert and receptive

Evening all. Today 20 mins. A few mins metta and then noting.

Today the room was very quiet and I could hear birdsong from outside the flat. I felt my body and breath and listened to the ringing in my ears and the birdsong. Very calm and centred but I did notice that I nodded a few times. Thoughts of planning and holidays came and went. I tried to maintain energy noting my intention to move as I adjusted my posture.

Keeping still helps to bring that steady breathing and effortlessness but I'm in  danger of drifting due to tiredness, so returned to the breath frequently.

Early to bed today as last night. Golfing in the wind makes the body weary.

Have a good practice and rest of the day! 🐽💜🐽

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