Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Week 20 Day 7

Week 20 Day 7

Medi object choiceless

Intention note every sensation. Observe thought.

Morning all! Today I practised for 45 mins with 5 mins metta at the start. I felt I could have gone on longer but I need to leave go the golf course!

Today as I write I feel I am still in practice and even after opening my eyes I was still vibrantly aware of my surroundings yet strangely quiet. My breathing was so soft yet I could sense every movement. The ringing in my ears was present at all times. I felt my body as one solid piece ultra quiet as though I was a receptacle for sensations.  At first I did scratch one itch but only after noting my intention.As I sat I was wondering was I dreaming...I felt wholly alert and yet so calm. I heard the heating, my neighbours' movements upstairs. I watched a lava lamp show on my eyelids and felt solidity in my body even though I knew my index fingers were lifted off. As I quizzed myself thoughts came into my field of observation some I followed, some were random  All the time I could sense the periphery.

I felt like I could stay in practice almost for ever and opening my eyes I did not want to leave that very pleasant state. In fact it took me at least 5 minutes to reluctantly move a muscle for fear of the feeling disappearing but no muscle movement  detracted from this alertness, it just continued.

Anyhow I'm a bit blathery today because it is hard to explain what I was feeling, not the usual practice, something a whole lot deeper and more satisfying  . A place I did not want to leave and the effects are still with me now...very strange...

Will ponder on that on the golf course! I'm late!

Enjoy your day and have a great practice! 🐽💜🐽❓❕

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