Sunday, April 12, 2015

Week 19 Day 1

Week 19 Day 1

Medi object choiceless
Intention to observe all sensations when they arise and pass

Morning all! Today's meditation is 30 minutes 5 minutes metta 25 minutes noting.

I maintained maintained a vision of my niece for most of the time and tried hard to feel the aww factor but it was quite difficult to find.

For noting I focused on the breath for a few moments and then cycled around the senses hearing seeing feeling. As always i could could hear the ringing in my ears and also I heard several different tones of ringing. I heard the heating coming on in the house. And my neighbours getting up. I also heard someone sneezing several times it's hay fever time. I felt the coolnes on my arms,and my hands on my knees and sometimes my hands felt like they were in a different position ie they were up turned. When I focused on seeing I could see green and purple swirls every now and then. As for thoughts I observed some 'to do' thoughts but I just noticed them and allowed them to come in and leave. There was a scene of a child going up some steps in a place like where I grew up. This child was taking something to someone. But that thought also passed.

For about 15 minutes i felt alert but seemed to be entombed in my awareness of my hands the ringing in my ears and whatever lights I saw in front of my eyes,  and alongside the thoughts if there were any. The breathing was always there. Usually I swallow automatically a few times in the sessions but today I was able to note the beginning of the reflex and to stop this. I also tried to notice quality of each of the sensations. The ringing of the ears was quite interesting in that I noticed it was not just one sound but in fact a collection of sounds with a lower note appearing for the first time.

The final bell of the practice came soon with no peeking.

Now I am going on a road trip first to pop in and see Elizabeth and then to some more friends.  Hopefully I will find some time to practice at my their house. It will probably be in the loo!

Hope you all have a great day and a great practice!

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