Sunday, April 12, 2015

Week 19 Day 2

Week 19 Day 2
Medi object choiceless
Intention just practise!

Morning all! Today 10 mins metta and 39 mins noting.

I am at my friend's house so on comfy airbed in conservatory. However one problem is that it is East at 0745...blazing sunshine which heated the room like a cooker!

I started the meditation lying down but felt low energy so I sat up. As I sat I was slowly cooking so I eventually used the duvet as a sun screen resting on my head.

Metta of 10 mins on my niece, struggled to keep focus due to the heat.

Noting began with observation of the breath and then I observed a few thought trains. As I cooked in the conservatory oven, my focus often went to the unpleasant vedana of heat.

The heat seemed to burn through my head onto my eye lids but the duvet screen helped. I tried to keep the breathing in my awareness and the ringing in my ears. Difficult in a strange place.

I continued in this manner for 39 minutes until the lady of the house arrived back from night shift and the dogs barked their welcome. I then got a blonde doggy alarm in reality who calmed down whilst stroking but I has to stop when my friend came to say hello. 

Sun is blazing, off to Bakewell to the market! Have a good day and practice!

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