Sunday, April 12, 2015

Week 18 Day 6

Week 18 Day 6

Medi object choiceless
Intention to remain receptive. To observe thoughts

Posting now although practised this morning. ..actually completely forgot I'd done it! Doh!

Started with 5 mins metta focusing on my niece.

My phone kept on beeping due to faulty charging cable,  so I had to investigate it midway...grrr...

Thoughts came into my mind but instead of pushing them away and going back to the breath I entertained them today and allowed to come in and fade on their own. I noted that the scenes didn't always finish. I observed some thoughts about plans some about work, a few about my niece.

I had an itchy ear which prevailed throughout the practice as did an itchy chin towards the end.

For several minutes my breathing was quiet and I could sense the ringing in my ears, feeling my hands on the knees and seeing all at once whilst the thoughts continued.

At very end I sensed the beginning of a nod and brought myself back to alertness.

The room temperature was comfortable and the atmosphere was quiet. Swirls in front of the eyes moved with the breath so I watched those for a bit. Very alert and I  felt I was receptive. Tomorrow I will focus on equanimity.

Golf was fun today although one of our group insisted on playing to score which made it less relaxing...but in the end my handicap is 9 better than his so he does need more help! Haha! Sometimes the guys forget that women can be just as competitive but do not always have to play to win....after all its only a game!😁

More golf tomorrow if the weather holds out! Have a good practice today!

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