Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Week 20 Day 6

Week 20 Day 6

Medi object choiceless

Intention to remain alert, to observe thinking and feeling

Evening all! 30 mins today with 7 mins metta to start. Was able to maintain focus on the aww factor during metta which is good.

I did practise earlier but was interrupted by phone rebooting on its own so I decided to try again later.

The room is pleasantly warm although I shivered a few times. I also had to give into a tickly cough a few times.. definitely hayfever season! I observed my breathing and then as usual listened for sounds then sights and feelings. Not much going on in the seeing area. Thoughts came and went. A few nods, all but the last one caught before they got too big but I accept I'm tired.

I watched time pass by alongside the clicking and whirring of heating and sky box. Feeling my hands on my knees and the air around my body. A prevalent itch came but went.

I'm trying to work out how the thoughts come to be and think it is during a momentary lapse of focus on the breath or sound. If perhaps an image comes into my head my mind may expand on it so that it becomes a scene of some sort. Then I realise,  note it as thinking and then it fades. Must look more closely next time.

Finally a regular weekend. Looking forward to hitting that little white ball and watching the pheasants cavort on the fairways.

Have a great weekend and good practising! 🐽💜🐽

20 / 6

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