Sunday, April 12, 2015

Week 18 Day 3

Week 18 Day 3

Medi object choiceless
Intention to be equanimous of all sensations experienced in practice

Morning all! Today a tube meditation of sorts. Seemed to lose my timer, probably did around 25 mins. 5 mins metta the rest noting. 

I initially observed the breath but as much as I tried my scarf was just on the verge of tickly.  I tried to accept the sensation but in the end had to remove the scarf. I did not have a good night's sleep so am a bit bleary eyed. Thoughts came into my mind of Supervet (what I was watching last night). Interestingly I started to bake half way through.. the sensation was not pleasant.. I think the combined  sun on my back and the heating made for a superheating effect. Strange since 10 mins before it was breezy and cool. My clasped hands became unbearably warm. The usual rumbling and some whirring  happened uncharacteristic of that style of train.

Must have no caffeine today! Yesterday I got a free coffee from Starbucks which resulted in profound alertness at 2am even though I was exhausted during the day.

Tomorrow I will repeat my intention as I did not feel I was equanimous enough to all sensations! Have a good day!

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