Sunday, April 12, 2015

Week 19 Day 6

Week 19 Day 6
Medi object choiceless
To observe sensations as clearly as possible

Morning everyone! Today the tube is emptier because it is Friday. I am on data duty...have to go and pick up a data extract from a supplier.

Today I did 23 mins noting. I was squashed to one side side of my seat by Mr Hulk to my left. I noted my aversion  to to this squashing. I also have forgotten my work I'd so planning thoughts about that came into my focus and passed. About 10 mins in a splash of earphone leakage was surprisingly Vivaldi's Four Seasons - Spring. Retro thoughts of aversion came into my head as husband 1 had taken me to a concert where the orchestra was performing that piece...which I was basically sick of as we had played it so many times. I was so excited to be taken to the concert but gutted that I had to listen to that again!

Got off the train, looked at the ad again and as my connecting train came in I noticed that the woman's blouse had embroidered flowers on it!

Hope you have a great day and practice!

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