Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Week 21 Day 1

Week 21 Day 1

Medi object choiceless

Intention to remain alert and receptive, see thoughts arise and pass

Evening all! I wrote this after my oractice but have only just managed to post ---

After yesterday's hangout I considered what made yesterday's practice different to allow such focus. I realised a few things...it's a safe place, the place I always practice when I'm at home. The temperature is also just right. The biggest thing is that once I start I keep very still and do not fidget. I'm not sitting bolt upright but with back and neck straight. However with intention I can adjust but very gently.  Also no forcing the breath to hear it.

Today I did 45 mins.5 mins metta 40 mins noting. The metta was tough but I persevered and went back and forth from my focus image many times. Then the noting. As normal I started with breathing but also tried to still my body. I checked all senses and I had an extra sensation today, after taste of milk...can't say it was very pleasant but it was present all the time. The radiator was going a bit ballistic so that was my focus for a while.  After about 5 mins I felt as though a wave came over me from one side to the top and I was in that zone again.  Today though I did not have many thoughts to contend with. One about milk...not surprisingly. I also had thoughts about the practice. Was I alert, was I feeling drowsy? The overwhelming sensation was one of quietness and no movement, or effortlessness. I moved from sensation to sensation.  I had a back ache and adjusted my posture after noting the intention just slightly and remained in the zone. It seems any sudden movement or aggravation would disturb this concentrated state.

However after about 30 mins I moved out of the state into usual practice. Though no change in posture it seems the mind can only take so much focus. Anyway happy to be able to recreate it and so quickly.  The last 10 mins were filled with random thoughts and  content drifting a few times. Definitely have to build up slowly. Also I would not call it blissful even though yesterday's session was a surprise, just deeper. It brings excitement but not a desire to remain in the zone but an opportunity to be even more just present. Yesterday I wondered how long it would last but was equanimity in accepting whatever I received.

Had two lovely days of golfing and meditation...now that IS bliss. 🐽💜🐽😁

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