Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Week 21 Day 7

Week 21 Day 7

Medi object choiceless

Intention to remain alert and receptive.

Good evening all. Tonight's mediation was tough. I'm tired and so constantly nodding.

I decided to observe the tiredness, yawning and nodding. 30 mins in total but only just.

I noticed that even though I kept my eyes open they would close and I would nod. My arms are aching a bit from the golf today, my physical body feels weary the nodding  starts from the head and then a glaze comes over the body and the neck relaxes and then nodding. I was a bit warm so I  adjusted the blanket. I also think that the hayfever doesn't help.

All in all, I didn't think much except about trying not to nod. I went back to my breath time and time again but still fell foul to the nodding. I held my arms up for a few seconds to try and inject energy but did not stand up. I heard the heating clicks, the neighbours and my ears ringing  I observed flickering from the telly with my eyes shut and tried not to watch when my eyes were open.

Bed early tonight methinks.  Maybe 1 or 2am???

Hope you are having a nice day and have had the chance to practice.🐽💜🐽


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