Monday, February 23, 2015

Week 12 Day 5

Week 12 Day 5

Medi object choiceless

Intention to observe periphery clearly

Morning all!  This morning I am on an early empty tube and now I am on a freezing platform. It's cool on the train with the sunlight dancing on my eyelids,  it's quite pleasant. I focus on the breath and and watch the thoughts of hospitals and family waft by. I remember now,yesterday I sat on a brand new tube warm and cosy! Today I am standing.

I watch the thoughts and still keep the breath in my periphery.  There were other usual tubey noises and rocking side to side. I look forward to my daily Tube meditation. I  woke up to massive manicured eyebrows opposite  and the woman next to her is reading..The Cosmic Ordering Service...

Thanks for all your well wishes last night. I've spoken to my mother and she's fine but exhausted. Poor old Dad is in a busy public ward but the care is better in the public ones rather than the money grabbing private ones. Visiting hours are evening only so Mum will see him later. Apparently he fell into the kitchen after he got through the front door. They had just picked my niece up so unfortunately she had to see him being hauled off to hospital  but this morning she was waving her musical barbie at me so seemed happy enough.

So we wait to see what will happen next as as to the state of his heart rate which appeared to be the cause of his fall.  My mother and I were musing that it could hae been he was coming down with something as he doesn't have low BP. but is always complaining that he is tired.

Anyhoo..thanks for listening  and being supportive. I spoke to my friend whose dog was run over and they've got a new dog now which is great for them.

Hope you all have a lovely day. later!  🐽💜🐽

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