Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Week 11 Day 1

Week 11 Day 1

Medi object  choiceless
Intention be receptive and equanimous

10 mins metta 20 mins noting

Today a friend tried to call at the allotted meditation time so I let it go to voice mail.  I noted the slight irritation as she calls at the wrong times! Will call her back later.

Metta today was easier I focused on a few people in turn including young grad but that wasn't pleasant so I moved away. I managed to concentrate on the sensation around my chest and heart when I got the aww factor. Was very interesting. ..how will it expand I wonder?

Noting started with the breath which was long and deep.  Neighbour images arose as well as noises from them.  The usual  sounds from the heating and ears were present. I was treated to a light show of purple and green swirls.  I then started to feel hot...and spent a long time focusing on this...the uncomfortable sensation was around my arns then my upper body.  I noted the urge to take my fleece off. I looked at the time and noted that I had slightly sweaty hands. Oh yes had the big hands again for most of the practice.  My fingers were melded together. Also I observed the pre spacing out lightness of the mind...but did not space out. I was  alert and did this a few times. The heat sensation had moved to the background  and no longer was unpleasant. The breath was dominant in this practice. A few itches but nothing too  crazy. Definitely better to practise before anything else.  I've now taken my fleece off 😂...ok sun is shining off to golf! Hope you all have a lovely Sunday!

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