Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Week 10 Day 6

Week 10 Day 6
Medi object choiceless
Intention do not change the meditation object, be receptive and equanimous
Weather: cold and rainy

Metta 10 mins noting 30 mins.

Good evening everyone. Hope everything is ok with you. Today I've had a reasonably busy day at home. And I've been out just briefly to the physio. And I thought that I would prepare my dinner, mindfully of course, before I sat down to meditate.

I started with 10 minutes of metta and I  used the Kornfield phrases and they have really helped me focus. Sometimes I focus on my niece and at other times on my mother and I did try to focus on myself although that is the hardest. I do find myself thinking unpleasant images but I tryinto put them in the background while I concentrate on the words and also the images of my mother and niece. It's still quite hard, but i will persevere with 10 minutes a day.

The  noting was also quite a fidgety  session. The room was very hot and I did try to keep my eyes open but they kept on shutting I think that is what I normally do in meditation so I am not used to having my eyes open. I found myself thinking about the time a lot and I did feel myself drift a few times. I had some random people  images, they were neutral and not particularly unpleasant. I also tried to notice  my breathing and I found that my breathing was sometimes quite deep and noisy particularly when I was trying to stay alert ....or was it awake! I noted some itches and had to scratch then noted they came back ha! Then the time flew by and I had 7 minutes left. I was determined to sit out the alloted time. Tomorrow I will be at home so I am hoping I can practise earlier.
Ok now to eat curry! May be my mind was on that instead! It smells good anyway! 🐽

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