Monday, February 23, 2015

Week 12 Day 2

Week 12 Day 2

Medi object really choiceless
Intention focus on the breath, accept thoughts as they come, accept practice as it is!

Good afternoon all. Today I have the Monday working blues. I sat to meditate on the tube and I was on tenterhooks. My mind was full of thoughts of work. So I just had to accept that that was what my head was full of...on the Piccadilly line. On the District line, my mind was overwhelmed with the unpleasant vedana of the freezing pane of glass my arm was squashed against. It was so cold it was like an ice burn. I moved away from the glass, but felt the freeze radiating from it. Brrrr....Breathing was short. The trains were not busy, it's half-term this week. Overall I didn't feel too positive, the practice was an observation of irritations mainly.

Last night I re-read some of Nick's posts and watched the a couple of the videos. I reviewed how choiceless awareness works and that'll be my intention for the next week. I think that progress although desired can be a trap, an attachment. I also need to observe my work aversions and try to deal with them, as I think these are causing me some grief. I think I am feeling tired already as I have two early starts this week. Oh well, it pays the bills...that's what I need to think about, and I'll be out of the office for each day! Different surroundings, different journey tomorrow, different day! Wonder what it will bring.

I am looking forward to eating my homemake potato and leek soup when I get home. And may be a banana pancake! mmmmm...just need to hang on to that positive thought!

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