Sunday, February 15, 2015

Week 11 Day 6

Week 11 Day 6

13 days APS (Anno Pork Scratchings)

Medi object choiceless

Intention attachment and aversion

Good afternoon everyone, hope all is well on this rainy Friday. Today I tried 10 minutes metta practice and then 30 minutes noting practice. Metta was difficult but I persevered for 10 mins. I tried hard to focus on my meditation object and when I was distracted I moved to the meditation object again.

Noting was interesting today. I had the intention of observing aversion and attachment. I noticed that I really wanted to look at the time , and I did this several times through the practice. I must have developed a habit. I have increased from doing 20 minutes to 30 minutes and maybe this is a bit long. So I will reduce the noting time to 20 minutes and if the bell goes I will then continue for a few more minutes. I was noting the quality of my breath, it was fairly strong today, and then I noticed that even though I thought I was alert the breath disappeared and I thought that I was about to doze off. I had thoughts of resting before traveling up north today. But there was no reason why I should have felt tired because I haven't done anything today. Thoughts today were of cooking and trying new recipes. Len, my cousin and I are still perfecting that banana pancake recipe. I added oatbran today. I also observed some random images probably from the television. I was a bit fidgety and the light in the hallway was for some reason irritating me. So it's the weekend hooray!  I will be a little quiet tonight as I have to socialise but hopefully will be able to read all your lovely posts under the duvet tomorrow am. 

I've noticed of late I have an aversion to sleeping earlier, that usually means I don't want to go to work the next day. Need to understand and accept my aversion to y.g.. Next week I will attempt to improve sleep hygiene so that I can meditate before leaving the house. Watch this space...


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