Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Week 16 Day 6

Week 16 Day 6

Medi object choiceless
Intention observe raw sensations and label

Evening all! A late one today after a very busy day. I started with 5 minutes metta  and focused on my niece. I saw a clear image of her after around a minute and was able to focus on the feeling for a few seconds at a time.

The meditation bell was up the spout  again, but when I tested it after the session it worked fine grrr.. Noting was tough today, I was tired so nodding was noted quite a few times. I persisted with the cycle of rising falling tasting touch seeing hearing smelling when I could but went off on thought trains a few times. I shivered Anyway s fee times but did not feel cold. It is as it is but felt an aversion towards sitting the whole 30 minutes but hung on. Hopefully tomorrow will bring a more refreshed body to the cushion.

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