Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Week 16 Day 3

Week 16 Day 3
Medi  object breathing 100x, choiceless
Intention observe the breath and detailed noting.

Noting starting with breathing then cycling through taste touch sight smell hearing. Today the taste I observed was neutral in my mouth, I observed the sensation of my hands clasped and my feet on the ground. I saw light on my eyelids of no particular colour. I observed smells of perfume and stale smoke. The sounds were rich and complex - child coughing, speaking, announcements and rumblings of the carriage. I cycled through the breathing and senses several times.  No thoughts had the opportunity to enter the mind, except thoughts of which sense I was trying to observe.

Have progressed in Ingram's book to Part 3, any one there yet? It was timely that I came across Leigh Brasington's site as he is a jhana teacher. The MTCB text requires re reading!  Anyhoo I may achieve my goal of posting before work! Have a good day everyone!

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