Tuesday, March 03, 2015

Week 13 Day 6

Week 13 Day 6

Meditation object index fingers then choiceless
Intention observe raw sensations 

Late meditation today, resulted in some nodding and I decided the stop at 25 mins as I was falling asleep. No time to practice or to breathe today non stop. I sat with my hands on my knees and I observed my index fingers, I felt some buzzing and tried to feel them alternately. I did move from one finger to the other quickly as Ingram suggested like table tennis but I wasn't sure what I felt. I did this for 15 mins and then moved to general noting. Today was fidgety but I determined to sit, I felt my breathing, my nodding and thoughts, non specific, some odd ones. Anyway a bit of a non event today, felt neutral calm and ready for the weekend!

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