Monday, August 10, 2015

Week 35 Day 5

Medi object choiceless awareness
Intention to remain alert and receptive to all sensations

Afternoon all! today 45 mins with metta at the start.

Today is a non working day for me and has been productive so far! Soon after getting up I steeled myself to attack the overgrown weeds over the decking. Got most of it out.

Then cleared out the shed including birds nest although I saw a little robin on the fence so I'm wondering if he gave me the dagger eyes as I got rid of his hard work!

Today's meditation was calm and yet vibrant. Lots of energy today. I found myself observing thoughts about  beautifying my little ugly patch. Some good ideas! I also was very sensitive to the cold. It's not cold but it's not hot here either..curious British summer!

Metta was fairly stable, may read more of Salzberg's book toda.

My neighbour us back from work so there is noise from upstairs. Thoughts about my storage living room came to mind so I'm going to attempt to clear the sofa...more tomorrow!

I am very content that I am not at work for another few days and I am determined to make good use of it...tomorrow I will attempt to paint the garden woodwork! 😀

Hope you are having a good day! 🐽 💜 🌞 🐽


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