Intention to remain alert and observe raw sensations
Monday, August 10, 2015
Week 37 Day 2
Medi object choiceless awareness
Intention to remain alert and observe raw sensations
all! back on the tube again. Today I attempted to be in the carriage
rather than plan my day at work. It lasted about 10 minutes so I spent
the rest of the time batting off thought trains. Amazing what one can
sense with eyes shut and then momentarily opening them. Just shows how
little I notice with my eyes open all the time!
Metta to myself, Dean and my family at the end.
gotta hang on for 3 days then it will be a golf fest. Woohoo! Anyhoo
today I will see if I can make a few mindful notes about my reactions to
situations. Let's see! Might all go out the window as I step into the
office! 😀
Have a great day! 🐽 💜 🐽
Intention to remain alert and observe raw sensations
Week 37 Day 1
Medi object choiceless awareness
Intention to remain alert
Evening all! Today 30 mins at the end of a lovely sunny day golfing.
the room was warm and half way through I had to turn the fan on. I felt
a little noddy towards the end. Practice is definitely not good after a
long do people do it after putting children to bed? Do they
drink coffee to keep them alert?
I cycled through the
senses hearing seeing taste smell feeling and thought. Thoughts were
random, no real planning or story thoughts.
Anyhoo work
for 3 days then offskis again for 6 days of golf! 😅 phew hope I hold
out! More importantly hope the weather holds out!
Hope you all had a nice weekend and that it is ending nice and chillingly! 🐽💜🐽
Intention to remain alert
Week 36 Day 7
Medi object choiceless awareness
Intention to remain alert
all! Short practice this morning pre golf. I felt alert but still -
like a statue but soft. I listened to small noises from upstairs and
ignored an itch and it passed! Remember those?m I had some random
thought but on the whole just happy to be there.
After the bell I did some metta.
I came fourth (same score as third place but lost on countback) most
importantly the handicap stayed the same. More of the same tomorrow I
hope! 😜
Have a great weekend! 🐽💜🐽
Intention to remain alert
Week 36 Day 6
Medi object choiceless awareness
Intention to remain alert
Evening all! Today another short practice as a bit out of routine and crazy busy at work at a local commuter hub office.
It's deathly quiet for some reason even the ringing in my ears is quiet. Glad it's the weekend 😅.
A few mins metta at the end to close off a very hectic but productive day.
Tomorrow. .? Golf. What else.
Have a great weekend! 🐽 💜 🐽
Intention to remain alert
Week 36 Day 5
Medi object choiceless awareness
Intention to remain alert
all! Short and sweet and now time for bed. 10 mins noting 10 mins
metta. Today a busy day, thanks for your well wishes, think I'm ok now!?
It's Friday tomorrow hooray! Can't wait...or is that attachment 😅
See you tomorrow! 🐽 💜 🐽
Intention to remain alert
Week 36 Day 4
Medi object choiceless awareness
Intention to remain alert and receptive
all! Practised this morning but have been busy till now. Also have
appeared to have eaten something dodgy so sewers are working overtime in
Ashford 😅.
Today it was a strange day, a tube strike
looming so it wasn't the usual work journey. As I sat and observed what
was around me, I briefly opened my eyes at a station and my eyes were
drawn to a pair of enormous tan platforms attached to a woman's legs.
Wow how she walked in them I will never know.
Today was a difficult day that got better and except for this minor bug where I must not be far from the loo, life is good.
Stay well! 🐽💜🐽
Intention to remain alert and receptive
Week 36 Day 3
Medi object choiceless awareness
Intention to observe raw sensations
all! Another late one as have been out most of the day. In today's
practice there was busyness in quietness. My ears rang loudly as the
world around seems asleep . No aches and pains only a sense of girding
up the loins for 3 days work.
Metta at the beginning was focused for 10 mins or so. Continued to include forgiveness metta in there.
to bed at a sensible hour so that I can get up for the one day I need
to be in the office (tube strike prevents me from travelling into town).
Have a good one! 🐽 💜 🐽
Intention to observe raw sensations
Week 36 Day 2
Medi object choiceless awareness
Intention to observe raw sensations
late one today for 30 mins. But very alert. I decided to let all
sensations into the field without categorising. Feelings sounds
breathing lights in front of eyes and thoughts - all a jumble. Except
not quite a mess as a few sensations came to the fore. Some minor
transient pain above the head and then an ache in the legs. Thoughts of
all sorts with background music. I have been watching the Voice kids on
YouTube wow those children are amazing. It's early hours I suspect that
my neighbour is asleep as he gets up at 4am to start work.
Metta for 5 mins at the end.
Okydoky have to hit the sack early rose tomorrow!
Hope you all had a great day! 🐽 💜 🐽
Intention to observe raw sensations
Week 36 Day 1
Medi object choiceless awareness
Intention to observe raw sensations
all! Today a shorter practice due to time constraints. Metta first -
towards myself and my family. Noting was full of thoughts, some I got
lost in and others passed through. My latest aversion is to my
neighbour who is a peeping tom and I'm trying to work out how to block
the gap in the fence!
Oh yes as promised pic of what's painted so far, more tomorrow.
Have a great Sunday! 🐽💜🐽
Intention to observe raw sensations
Week 35 Day 7
Medi object choiceless awareness
Intention to remain alert
all! Today a shorter practice again. I seemed to be tired today and
struggled with nodding. Sometimes I am alert at this time but not today.
Metta was of mixed success...but feeling weary didn't help. a productive day, did some mindful painting of shed. More on Monday!
Hope you're having a good day! 🐽 💜 🐽
Intention to remain alert
Week 35 Day 6
Medi object choiceless awareness
Intention to remain alert and receptive to all sensations
all! Thought I would have some time for more practice in the evening
but turned out not to be. Short practice this morning on the patio!
Lovely quiet and warm day, heard some speeding mopeds and chirping birds
and felt the cool air on the skin. Planning thoughts abounded, I had
left myself insufficient time not to worry. Note to self...allow more
time. Metta was good at the end with forgiveness reflections too.
Have a great weekend all! 🐽💜🐽
Intention to remain alert and receptive to all sensations
Week 35 Day 5
Medi object choiceless awareness
Intention to remain alert and receptive to all sensations
Afternoon all! today 45 mins with metta at the start.
is a non working day for me and has been productive so far! Soon after
getting up I steeled myself to attack the overgrown weeds over the
decking. Got most of it out.
Then cleared out the shed
including birds nest although I saw a little robin on the fence so I'm
wondering if he gave me the dagger eyes as I got rid of his hard work!
meditation was calm and yet vibrant. Lots of energy today. I found
myself observing thoughts about beautifying my little ugly patch. Some
good ideas! I also was very sensitive to the cold. It's not cold but
it's not hot here either..curious British summer!
Metta was fairly stable, may read more of Salzberg's book toda.
neighbour us back from work so there is noise from upstairs. Thoughts
about my storage living room came to mind so I'm going to attempt to
clear the sofa...more tomorrow!
I am very content that I
am not at work for another few days and I am determined to make good use
of it...tomorrow I will attempt to paint the garden woodwork! 😀
Hope you are having a good day! 🐽 💜 🌞 🐽
Intention to remain alert and receptive to all sensations
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